Office of the Commissioner of Railroads


Electronic Regulatory Filing System (ERF) - Mini Upload

The OCR encourages users to open and upload documents using an individual ERF account rather than using the ERF Mini Upload. See the following link for instructions to open an individual ERF account and upload documents to ERF: OCR ERF Instructions.

This ERF Mini Upload is for municipalities electronic submission of filed documents and online access of these documents including those submitted in formal cases before the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads. This includes petitions and exhibits for railroad crossing alterations, changes, new crossings, adequacy of warning devices and rough crossings. ERF Mini Upload can be used for the electronic filing of intervention and data requests, testimony, comments, correspondence, legal briefs, exhibits, and motions.

Before filing petition for rough crossings, please review the rough crossing process.
Before filing petition for new railroad crossings or alterations of existing railroad crossings of streets and highways, please review the guidelines.

Members of the public wishing to file a complaint may do so by clicking here.

To subscribe to a docket using EZ Subsciption, click here.

Railroad utilities and WisDOT should not use ERF Mini Upload for electronic filing. Railroad utilities should create an account and file through the OCR Electronic Regulatory Filing System (ERF).

Person responsible for the upload
Name: Email: Phone:   ex. 608-123-4567
Upload Information
Docket ID: --
Document Type:

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